Friday, October 8, 2010

What I Talk About When I Talk About Walking

Yesterday I walked with R in the Baby Bjorn from our house to our little Main street shopping district. We went to Panera Bread for (my) lunch, stopped in a friend's shop to chat, walked over to the library to read a book or two, and then headed back home.

2010-10-07 13.32.49
She fell asleep in the Bjorn as we were walking back.

We walked a total of 2.2 miles, and the entire trip lasted 2 hours.

I love to walk. If the weather is nice and the destination is relatively close, you can bet I'm walking. R isn't a big fan of her carseat anyway. That just makes me wish more places were accessible on foot. I once backpacked over 200 miles of mountains out in New Mexico (ever heard of Philmont?). I used to backpack the Appalachians all the time. If I go to the gym I don't run on treadmills but briskly walk instead. I like walking. Get it? I love riding my bike even more, but R is still too little for me to do that with her.

The only problem I have with walking is that I get so excited about the idea of it that when I'm out there actually doing it, I'm suddenly reminded of its physical aspect. I remember that I've been mostly sedentary for the past year. I remember that those glorious days of backpacking up and down mountains were over 10 years ago. I remember that now I'm not just carrying my own weight, but a 17 lb baby as well. Then I think, "I'm worn out! But I still think it's a good idea that I did this!" Thankfully, yesterday's trip was ONLY 2.2 miles. Two years ago I got the bright idea to walk the entire way around a 7 mile path. I was in better shape then, and that's before R joined the picture, but I was one sorry puppy when we finished. My walking enthusiasm needs a censor.

And, somehow, I never learn my lesson. Even after the 2.2 mile jaunt, last night when Senpai came home, I joined him (with R in the Bjorn, of course) and the dog on an 8 block walk, and this morning we are headed to the gym. My enthusiasm knows no bounds. I'm glad to get up and start being active again, but man, am I sore.



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