Sunday, December 5, 2010


December 4 Wonder.
How did you cultivate a sense of wonder this year?

Babies are wonder{ful}. R is 8 months old now (wearing 12 mos. clothes!), and in such a short period of time she has evolved from a sleepy little thing to a playful, curious, whatsinyourhandIwantit baby. It gets me to the core that I get to experience each new moment of wonder with her. She stares at a piece of paper, turning it over in her hands, crinkling it between her tiny fingers, and I'm staring at her staring at the paper. As amazed as she is by whatever new object or experience she comes upon, I am just as amazed at her for discovering it.

(I'm behind in these because the home office is now a construction zone. Just pulled the laptop out from under the sheet covering my desk and set it up in the living room. Hope to get back on track tomorrow.)



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