Sunday, October 14, 2012

Amber Necklace

Baltic Amber Necklace

The weather changing has Rosemary's nose dripping like a faucet. Poppy is slightly less runny, more on the stuffy side, and I suspect it may be from teething. Little girl was not happy yesterday. Her eyes said, "Don't you dare put me down, Mommy," and boy did they mean it. I had ordered her a baltic amber necklace earlier in the week and we were both so happy when it arrived yesterday. Baltic amber is supposed to help reduce inflammation in instances such as teething pain and other ailments. I immediately put it on her, and, while she was still a wreck for the rest of the day yesterday, today was so much better. She was happy! I could put her down! Yay!

I kept trying to take a picture of the necklace but with no luck; it kept hiding under her chin. So I caught her eating her dress instead.
Yummy Dress

No, really, here's a nice one from the photoshoot:
Winning Smile
Just imagine a pretty amber necklace around that neck. Or not.

The downside to the necklace is that it had her SO happy and SO full of energy... that she didn't nap all day. I was getting grumpy and needed a nap! When Daddy came home from his Reserve duty he took over watching Rosemary and cooked dinner so I could lie down with Poppy upstairs and try to get her to sleep. She was wide awake, cooing and staring at me until I finally took the necklace off her. I passed out and she fell asleep shortly thereafter.


We all played around a park on Friday while Senpai's car was getting some work done. Rosemary learned how to climb a playground ladder all by herself! She totally rocked the slides. I'm thrilled that she is getting more independent in this arena, especially since it's hard for me to follow her with Poppy. Speaking of Poppy, she had her first ride in a swing at the park.
She enjoys it!
I think she liked it. :-)

Another first was the fort that I made for Rosemary one afternoon. She liked climbing under it for a little while, until she discovered how fun it was to climb ONTO it. That was the end of the fort.
First Fort

"Mo' Blalala?"

Rosemary is convinced that "banana" has L's in it. Check out what she says:

I'm so glad I recorded that. I hate how the light settings were wrong, but oh well. Cute memories are still cute, despite being slightly ruddy.



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