Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Why Moms Don't Paint Their Fingernails

My audition is tomorrow.

Tomorrow night, I will stand in front of the crew of STL LTYM and read my story. They will then decide if I am a good fit for the show. I am not freaking out about the actual act of standing up and speaking (I've got the text mostly memorized), but I am very afraid (read: terrified) that I will not be chosen. I didn't edit my piece maybe as much as I could have. Should have. I made changes to the perfect piece that Stacey helped me craft. Why did I make changes??

Alright, so maybe the story isn't everything it could be. Now is not the time for edits. Further editing will come when (if) I am chosen. So what else can I do to make an impression? Refine my poise and delivery, and control everything about my appearance.

I have been moisturizing and exfoliating. I have been brushing my bangs down and brushing my teeth with more fervor. I have my outfit picked out, right down to the jewelry. I opened my box of nail polishes a few days ago to pick out the perfect color. Rosemary saw the pretty colors and wanted to get in on it, too.

Timeless White

I chose Iced Silver. But I didn't paint my nails then because it was too far away. I had to wait until tonight, the night before the audition, before I painted my nails so they might still gleam with the freshness of newly applied paint tomorrow. I know. Crazy, much? I put Poppy to sleep, washed my face, folded diaper laundry, and then sat down to the task with the hope of not having to do anything else that would disturb the pretty polish.

Senpai wasn't feeling well today. He asked if he should go to sleep upstairs and possibly disturb Poppy, or if he should just crash on the couch until I was ready to go up later. We decided the couch would be best as I was "in no condition to handle her." I spoke those words while holding up my freshly painted nails. Cue Poppy crying right then. Senpai went up to try soothe her back to sleep, but he is like Kryptonite to her (as he puts it). She just cries worse and worse until Mommy appears and makes everything better. So Mommy appeared and made everything better.

The nails survived.
Iced Silver

Now I just need to brush my teeth, recite my speech to the bathroom mirror one last time, and head on up to bed. Good night.



KWQR said...

Kyla, Thanks so much for stopping by my blog & sharing the basketball link. I had seen the video a few times on facebook, but it makes me cry happy tears every time. Gives me great hope for the future. Best of luck on your audition tonight... you will be great!!

Lynn Newsom said...

Last dance gig I painted my nails immediately before I left and they dried during the car ride. The glamorous life. ;)

Good luck with the audition.

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